Sowing the wind in the summertime and the living is easy…
Nearly a year ago the Will of The People amply guided by the Will of the Press Barons spake of their dreams of throwing of the foul yoke of Brussels, and the Pound took a dive of about 20%. And people...
View Articleworkers will retire from five million jobs in the next 10 years
Government figures tell us that over the next five years people will retire from 12.5 million jobs, and there will be only 7 million young people to fill them. Somehow the authors of the report also...
View ArticleOver 50s are big spenders on home and lifestyle into retirement and beyond
Be afraid, people, be very afraid. Saga 1 tells us the over 50s are big spenders. It’s the beyond retirement that I’m intrigued by, have these profligate silver surfers found a way of borrowing from...
View ArticleA FIRE approach to air conditioning
One of the advantages of being an employee is that The Man usually air-conditions your cubicle. Well, for knowledge workers, anyway, rather than, say, brickies or landscape gardeners. And the heat is...
View ArticleMichaelmas – a good time to get out of Britain’s favourite asset class
The Ermine has lately been that pariah of the bien-pensant crew, a vile second homer. Not particularly because I wanted to oppress the young of some rural district but to give me some more time to...
View ArticleToxic car finance could work out the best way to pay for a new car
I pinched the headline straight from the Torygraph, and I have searched the page to see if it is an advertorial. 1. But no, this financial foolery is being prosyletised in the name of money/consumer...
View ArticleCheques checked the recipient’s name – BACS & CHAPS use untested numbers
It’s a funny old world. Way back in 1979 when I got my first bank account I got issued with a thing called a cheque book. You could write out the recipient and how much you wanted to pay them and that...
View ArticleSo what does all this Brexit baloney really mean then?
Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it. King Midas, and the characters in The Monkey’s Paw Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and...
View ArticleInvesting for Brexit
The Ermine has two retirement resources. One is my DB pension, which is easily enough to live on at the moment – it is deferred for only a couple more years, because the Ermine is grizzled of fur and...
View ArticleWhy does getting super-rich mean a taste bypass?
Dear readers, feast your eyes on this, which is a new development in Nine Elms in London called Versace Tower. Now the first thing you need to know is that Nine Elms is south of the river, and anywhere...
View Articleiii take an Ermine for a ride – again!
A few years ago something bad happened to the ISA platform III that I was with. Presumably they were taken over by some hedgies yelling at them to sweat the assets. They came to the conclusion they...
View ArticleTaking back control
How the holy heck did we get from this to this There was once upon a time when Britain had a reputation for diplomacy and pragmatism, but I guess that died with the generation before the boomers who...
View ArticleUK FI/RE folk are fortunate compared to other Europeans
I guess we’re still European at the moment Though I do wonder if our good fortune is perhaps connected with our impending departure from the continent. I came across Mrs W of 1– who...
View ArticleWinter solstice thoughts on reinventing oneself in retirement
It is now the winter solstice, the Holly King has vanquished the Oak King. It seems a good time of year to reflect on the balance of opposites, because uneasy lies the head that wears a crown... The...
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